The Frij - Cooling Things Up!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

EL Pansol!

An account of Frij's recent expedition:

Off to Pansol, Laguna they go...

October 11 : Last day of training
The following week was to face reality of actual work, the distribution to different departments, the seperation to people Frij has known for 1.5 months. It was just prudent to unwind and prep up for the coming war...

Next stop...A Private Resort at Pansol Laguna

Frij and a few of his fellow minions left work at 8Pm

Find Frij

After shopping for food and booze at the nearby mall, they made a 2 hour travel to the destination. Grilled fish, salted eggs, chips, a deck of UNO cards and beer (naturally) to last til morning...

Pool & Pool

The Pool

Misbehaving with Mark..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Frij has been absent...
Most of the time...
Not unusual...

So what he does is he summarizes;
And so he does:

Frij left AIG last September. Looking back at 6 years was really a heartbreaking moment, but all things come to pass. It was a great company, good friends were made, lots of experience (....experience....hmmm), happy days.

Booze flowed til midnight of September 21. They sang the song and gave their farewells...heartbreaking.

So here, we now have Frij over at his new company....Verizon Business. Learning new tricks of the network engineering trade. Growing, moving forward, looking back at times to keep him on his toes.

Its quite a new company entering the domestic industry and a lot of potential for growth is involved. Long way to go...For now, he and his fellow minions will learn...

Frij will now feed on new knowledge...

No pictures this time.
Next time..