The Frij - Cooling Things Up!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Shake Rattle and Roll

Aside from the 5.5 quake that hit last Wednesday (March 1) night, March 2 was silent. He thought that something was about to happen after 13 days, instead it was the usual tremor, though this time it was followed by a sudden gush of rainfall lasting for about an hour then an abrupt end. All is well again.

President GMA finally lifted Proclamation 1017, Frij wanted it to last a bit more just to keep those good-for-nothing protesters in-line and in-check. Too bad it couldn't last longer than it should otherwise a real ruckuss would be on their hands.

Their Homeowner's Association is in need of a new set of board of directors and Frij has decided (after much deliberation) that he will run for office. The current administration handled it pretty well but the officers feel that its time for others to take the lead. Its public service anyway so there ain't no paycheck except for a good pat in the back from fellow neighbors. The neighborhood musn't fall ill due to the absence of a few leaders, he likes how things are and it should remain as is or strive to improve for the better. He is running....


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