The Frij - Cooling Things Up!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

LovaPalooza 2006

Frij's first blog....

Enigma showed Frij his blog and Frij was here we have Frij starting his very first blog here. He has one at LiveJournal but seeing that most of his friends are here, Frij now plans to cross the river.....

Frij just got the February 11 LovaPalooza pictures scanned and is now contemplating on how he should proceed with the editing. The pictures looked great with a few minor setbacks from ones caught using the mobile phone (but nothing photoshop can't resolve)

Now he is trying to figure out how to make this blog a good looking one.

Flashback to Feb 11...
Frij along with Maya's girlfriends, Aida and Rona, proceeded to the Manila Baywalk to attend the what-has-become-a-yearly-event LovaPalooza Valentine party. There they met up with Grace and her cousin right on the scene. Frij's successfull scheduling of an M! meet was also in place so it was a one good get together as well.



The crowd was huge and in the midst of flowing bodies he lost his wife and her friends. It took about a good 30 minutes before they bunched up and got together again at the LovaPalooza baloon (his thanks to modern communication).

Around 10:00Pm
They decided to leave the crowded area to find a more suitable place to chat and have a couple of drinks, M! members left as well after a few shots from Urzalight's cam. They then proceeded to Tia Maria's for a night of tacos, smokes and lite. Grace had to leave early though since she had prior appointments.

The simultaneous kissing of two couples in love were held for 60 seconds then came the finale, Fireworks!

They stayed around the area for a couple more hours, bar hopping, disco, the works. It may be a couple of months before another get together ever happens. (Living 30kms away from the city has some disadvantages)


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